
Celebrating 20 Years of NIK

NIK Agro Service Ltd.



Grow Forward

The 20th anniversary of NIK marked a significant milestone in the company's history, providing an opportunity to reflect on its accomplishments and demonstrate its commitment to social responsibility.

The celebration aimed at uniting guests, reminding them of NIK's journey over the past two decades, showcasing its technological advancements in the agriculture sector, and highlighting the scale of its operations across Bulgaria, Romania, and Italy. Moreover, the event sought to support a meaningful charity cause, aligning with NIK's values and vision. By adopting a comprehensive approach and implementing creative strategies, we successfully organised an unforgettable anniversary event.

Guest management


The project encountered several challenges related to the invitation process and guest management. To ensure a smooth guest list coordination and accurate attendance confirmation, we implemented a print invitation system that provided guests with a save-the-date notification and a registration link. Each guest was required to confirm their attendance and indicate the amount they were willing to contribute as a couvert for the charity. Managing the attendee count, which ranged from 300 to 1200 guests, demanded meticulous planning and coordination.


The celebration was strategically divided into phases and took part in the main hall of the Innovation Forum in Sofia, named after the infamous Bulgarian technological innovator John Atansoff.

Upon their arrival, each guest was welcomed into the lobby where they could enjoy a glass of champagne, provided through a custom installation we called the “Welcome wall”.


The second step of the journey was an interactive installation where the guests could help build the image of NIK. With the help of coloured string, they had to tell what makes NIK useful (black), different (red), close (blue), or different (yellow) by connecting adjectives written on a 3 x 2 m board. The board was later transported to the company office to remind the NIK team of the importance of their work.


To tell the 20-years story of the company, we designed a historic pathway consisting of 12 info boards marking NIK’s milestones from its establishment to the day of the celebration. The installation was custom designed for the event and included several miniatures, prizes, and screens projecting media from the company archives. To reward the guests who’ve been a part of NIK’s journey, 2 free of charge vending machines loaded with limited edition merchandise in honour of the occasion were positioned at the end of the historic pathway.


Considering the field of the company and the guest profile, we designed a concept entirely based on the four elements of nature: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, positioning NIK as the solution in the agriculturist’s constant battle with nature.


Upon welcoming the guests into the main hall, waiters dressed in special costumes served cocktails through agricultural sprayers. Multiple bars offered a range of themed drinks, while catering was being presented on each side of the hall. From gourmet salads, through top shelf meat and fish, to the various desserts, all food options were carefully selected in accordance to the event theme.

The ceremony was set off by a spectacular mapping with screens and dancers situated at different angles of the hall.

With an emotional speech, NIK’s founders expressed their gratitude to all partners and clients who attended at the event. The chairman of the “Caps for future” was then welcomed on stage to tell more about the charity initiative and remind the guests they could still donate during the entertainment program.


After the speeches, Gypsy Kings took over, allowing for the celebration to begin. After their unforgettable performance, all guests were taken outside for a drone show surprise. 40 drones illuminated the night sky, leaving all guests speechless. The program was wrapped up by the Bulgarian pop star Dara. After her performance, hostesses were situated at all exits to greet the leaving guests and give each one of them a “Tree of Life” to take home as a memory gift from the hosts.


Hostesses were situated at all exits to greet the leaving guests and give each one of them a “Tree of Life” to take home as a memory gift from the hosts.


Thanks to the event’s social cause, 78 000 BGN were raised for the “Caps for Future” initiative, allowing for a rare specialised children’s ambulance to be bought and serve the children of Bulgaria!


For several hours, 800 people truly “celebrated” 20 years of NIK. What is more, through the installations, the guests and media outlets present at the event learned more about the company history and its outline for the future.


The Fragment team thanks NIK for trusting us with their jubilee and wishes them to keep changing the field of agriculture in Bulgaria and abroad for the better! Happy birthday, NIK Agro Service Ltd.!